Diabetes Corner at Arizona Endocrinology Center
Arizona Endocrinology continues to be a leader in the field of Diabetes treatment. Our physicians are experienced and dedicated in managing Type 1 / Type 2 diabetes and Autoimmune diabetes. We offer Dietary services and Insulin pump training.

Freestyle Libre Download Instructions (PDF)
Helpful Links
American Diabetes Association
Medline Plus
Educational Materials
Diabetes Common Terms (pdf)
Blood Sugar Log (pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions
If I have to take insulin, does that mean I am a “bad” diabetic?
No. The object of all diabetes care plans is to maintain normal blood sugars. Often times, insulin is used in conjunction with diet and exercise to achieve optimal blood glucose control.
How is insulin administered?
Insulin can be administered with a vial and syringe, through a pen, or an insulin pump.
Why do I have to test my blood sugar?
Blood glucose readings help you and your healthcare team evaluate how well your current diabetes treatment plan is working for you. Monitoring blood sugars regularly can help assess what part of your treatment plan (diet, physical activity, medication), if any, needs to be changed.
When should I test my blood sugar?
Testing times are specific to your diabetes treatment plan. Please discuss testing times with your physician.
How many times a day should I test my blood sugar?
Again, this is specific to your diabetes treatment plan. Please clarify this with your physician. Remember, you WILL need a prescription for testing supplies (strips and lancets).
Is my meter accurate?
All name brand meters have been FDA approved. What is important to remember is that even approved meters can yield results that vary by up to 20%. We do recommend replacing blood glucose meters every 3-5 years to ensure accuracy. Always check the expiration date on test strips, as expired test strips can skew meter accuracy.
What does hypoglycemia mean?
Hypoglycemia means your blood sugar is less than 70 mg/dL. Low blood sugars can be dangerous and must be treated immediately.
How do I know if my blood sugar is low?
If you are able to, test your blood sugar. A blood glucose reading under 70 is considered low. Common signs of low blood sugar include shakiness, heart racing trouble concentrating, sweating, weakness or increased irritability.
Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?
Hypoglycemia may be life threatening. If left untreated, hypoglycemia may lead to lack of consciousness, coma or death.
How do I treat a low blood sugar?
We recommend using the rule of 15 to treat hypoglycemia. Consume 15 grams of fast acting carbohydrate (1 of the following options: 4 ounces juice; 4 ounces regular soda; 4 glucose tablets) and wait 15 minutes. Check your blood sugar again after 15 minutes to make sure you are no longer low.
Can I use chocolate to treat a low blood sugar?
It is not recommended. The fat in chocolate slows down how quickly carbohydrates get into your system. Remember, hypoglycemia can be dangerous, and we want to solve the problem quickly.
What foods cause my blood sugar to go up?
Carbohydrates cause a rise in blood sugar. Carbohydrates are found in foods like bread, cereal, rice, pasta, potatoes, corn, fruit and fruit juice, milk, yogurt and desserts. Carbohydrates are also found in sweet teas, regular sodas, sports drinks and alcohol.
What can I eat?
You CAN eat carbohydrates, but you have to be aware of how many. Work closely with a dietitian who can help customize your meal plan and carbohydrate intake.
Sugar-free foods are free foods, right?
Wrong. Most sugar free foods do contain carbohydrates and need to be limited.
I can eat as much fruit as I want, right?
Fruit contains carbohydrates and must be counted as such. Talk with a dietitian to determine how much fruit is allowed in your meal plan.
What about soda?
Regular soda has a lot of carbohydrates. Diet soda does not have carbohydrates, but that does not mean it is healthy for you. Opt for water or unsweetened tea to quench your thirst.
What does RD stand for?
RD stands for registered dietitian. RDs have earned a college degree in nutrition, completed an accredited internship and passed the national boards.
This is general diabetic education information. Please discuss specific questions with your physician.